Footsteps of D-Day


The author; Brian Woods was an Australian journalist who over many years researched the subject of D-Day from archived records held in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

He spent extensive time in the Normandy countryside, interviewing and getting to know its people, viewing private collections, and taking direction from locals who were kind enough to help him find the sites from which he has compiled a unique collection of comparative photographs, featuring the Normandy of today in contrast to those images of June 1944.

He is the recipient of various advertising, art and film production awards, his talent is no doubt reflected in this ‘easy to read’ book.

This e-publication is based on the hardcover edition and is dedicated to the late author and the passion he had for the subject, the Normandy region and its people.

Above all, it is dedicated to those who served their countries and gave the ultimate sacrifice.

We hope you share his passion and enjoy reading his work.

Brian Woods 8th March 1937 ~ 2nd February 2008.

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